120 research outputs found

    Kostprijsberekening biologische varkensbedrijven 2009

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    Voor een duurzame samenwerking in de biologische varkenskolom is inzicht nodig in de kostenstructuur. Dit jaarlijkse kostenprijsonderzoek is uitgevoerd binnen Bioconnect en begeleid door twee biologische varkenshouders. Aan het einde van het project is er een expertsessie geweest met meerdere schakels en stakeholders uit de biologische varkensketen. Deze kostprijsberekening voor biologische varkens en biggen is de elfde op rij. De methodiek is gelijk aan de voorgaande berekeningen over het jaar 2007 en de periode oktober 2007- september 2008. Het rapport bevat methode van onderzoek, data, resultaten kostprijsberekening over 2009, biggenprijs, vergelijking met vorige kostprijsberekening en een gevoeligheidsanalyse en discussie

    Food supply chain consequences of new responses to livestock epidemics

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    This article studies supply chain consequences from applying the new-more socially acceptable -strategy of emergency vaccination instead of the large-scale killing of healthy animals for controlling livestock epidemics. We consider an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in a densely populated livestock area of the Netherlands. From an epidemiological perspective, simulation results show that emergency vaccination significantly reduces the size of an epidemic, both in terms of the length of an outbreak and in the number of animals killed. However, in a worst-case situation, not destroying the vaccinated animals after the end of the epidemic leads to additional consequential losses for food supply chains involved of about Euro 200 million. A business case illustrates that the exact size of these losses depends on specific supply volumes and marketing strategies. Calculations provide a basis for addressing cost sharing issues and loss reducing opportunities of new responses to livestock epidemics.livestock epidemics, financial impact, consumer acceptance, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Validating multilingual hybrid automatic term extraction for search engine optimisation : the use case of EBM-GUIDELINES

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    Tools that automatically extract terms and their equivalents in other languages from parallel corpora can contribute to multilingual professional communication in more than one way. By means of a use case with data from a medical web site with point of care evidence summaries (Ebpracticenet), we illustrate how hybrid multilingual automatic term extraction from parallel corpora works and how it can be used in a practical application such as search engine optimisation. The original aim was to use the result of the extraction to improve the recall of a search engine by allowing automated multilingual searches. Two additional possible applications were found while considering the data: searching via related forms and searching via strongly semantically related words. The second stage of this research was to find the most suitable format for the required manual validation of the raw extraction results and to compare the validation process when performed by a domain expert versus a terminologist

    Vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland, 2005-2018

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    Deze nota geeft een overzicht van de vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland in de jaren 2005-2018. Het totale verbruik van vlees en vleeswaren per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland ligt in 2018 iets boven de 77 kg (op basis van karkasgewicht). Dit is ruim een halve kilo meer dan in 2017

    Production costs of the Mexican poultry and pig sector : Quick scan on the consequences for the EU poultry and pig sector after free trade with Mexico

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    Wageningen Economic Research conducted a study on the potential consequences of a free trade agreement between Mexico and the EU. The Dutch government is concerned that giving access to products from countries with a lower level of animal welfare could undermine the EU welfare standard. This study shows that production costs are lower in Mexico compared to the EU in all three sectors investigated: egg production, poultry meat and pig meat. In egg production in particular, the welfare standard in Mexico is far below the EU standard. Nevertheless, it is concluded that for all products (eggs, egg products, poultry meat and pig meat) in a free trade situation no large amount of imports from Mexico can be expected

    Vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland, 2005-2017

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    Deze nota geeft een overzicht van de vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland in de jaren 2005-2017. Het totale verbruik van vlees en vleeswaren per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland bedraagt in 2017 bijna 77 kg (op basis van karkasgewicht). Dit is gelijk aan de consumptie in 2016

    Renal replacement therapy is an independent risk factor for mortality in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury

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    INTRODUCTION: Outcome studies in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) have focused on differences between modalities of renal replacement therapy (RRT). The outcome of conservative treatment, however, has never been compared with RRT. METHODS: Nine Belgian intensive care units (ICUs) included all adult patients consecutively admitted with serum creatinine >2 mg/dl. Included treatment options were conservative treatment and intermittent or continuous RRT. Disease severity was determined using the Stuivenberg Hospital Acute Renal Failure (SHARF) score. Outcome parameters studied were mortality, hospital length of stay and renal recovery at hospital discharge. RESULTS: Out of 1,303 included patients, 650 required RRT (58% intermittent, 42% continuous RRT). Overall results showed a higher mortality (43% versus 58%) as well as a longer ICU and hospital stay in RRT patients compared to conservative treatment. Using the SHARF score for adjustment of disease severity, an increased risk of death for RRT compared to conservative treatment of RR = 1.75 (95% CI: 1.4 to 2.3) was found. Additional correction for other severity parameters (Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II), Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)), age, type of AKI and clinical conditions confirmed the higher mortality in the RRT group. CONCLUSIONS: The SHARF study showed that the higher mortality expected in AKI patients receiving RRT versus conservative treatment can not only be explained by a higher disease severity in the RRT group, even after multiple corrections. A more critical approach to the need for RRT in AKI patients seems to be arrante

    Vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland, 2005-2016

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    In deze notitie geven we een overzicht van de vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking inNederland in de jaren 2005-2016. Het totale verbruik van vlees en vleeswaren per hoofd van debevolking in Nederland bedraagt in 2016 bijna 77 kg (op basis van karkasgewicht). Dat is vrijwel gelijkaan de consumptie in 2015

    Integrative Sustainability Analysis of European Pig Farms: Development of a Multi-Criteria Assessment Tool

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    Societal interest in all aspects of sustainability has increased. Therefore, pig farmers need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses in all dimensions of sustainability: economy, environment, social wellbeing, and animal health and welfare. Our aim was to describe and critically discuss the development of a sustainability assessment tool for pig farms and to evaluate its suitability by applying it to 63 European pig farms (13 breeding, 27 breeding-to-finishing, and 23 finishing farms). The multi-criteria assessment tool was developed in several steps (the selection and scaling of indicators and their aggregation and weighting) in order to summarise the indicators into subtheme and theme scores. The indicators contributing the most to the subtheme/theme scores were identified and discussed in order to evaluate the procedure of the development. For example, some indicators, such as Ecological compensation area, Fairness of prices, and Tail docking, for which farms were scored low, were also identified as “real world problems” in other studies. For other sustainability aspects with low performance, the threshold might have been set too ambitiously, e.g., for Number of sows per annual working unit. Furthermore, to analyse the suitability of the tool, we assessed the best and worst median theme scores (good and poor performances) for each dimension, as well as the variability of the performances of the farms within the themes. Some themes were found to be moderate, such as Pig comfort, Biodiversity, or Resilience, whereas others were found to be good, e.g., Water and the Human–animal relationship, as well as several themes of the social wellbeing dimension. Overall, the sustainability tool provides a comprehensive assessment of the sustainability of pig production. Furthermore, this publication contributes to both the theory (development of a robust sustainability tool) and the practice (provision of a tool to assess and benchmark the sustainability on farms). As a next step, a sensitivity analysis should be performed, and the tool should be applied for further development
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